What is Laser or Light Therapy?
Cold Laser Therapy has the unique physical properties capable of penetrating up to 6 inches below the skin surface creating an increase in cellular metabolism without pain or tissue damage. Laser Therapy is the use of specific wavelengths of light (red and near infrared) to create therapeutic effects. These effects include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling.
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Cold Laser Therapy is being used to treat a variety of conditions with promising results including:
Has effectiveness been demonstrated scientifically?
Yes. there are thousands of published studies demonstrating the clinical effectiveness of laser therapy. Among these, there are more than one hundred rigorously controlled, scientific studies that document the effectiveness of laser for many clinical conditions.
What does research demonstrate?
Does it hurt? What does a treatment feel like?
There is little or no sensation during treatment - occasionally one feels mild, soothing warmth, or tingling.
Are there any side effects or associated risks?
During more than twenty years of use by health care providers all over the world, very few side effects have ever been reported. However, old injuries or pain syndromes may feel aggravated for a few days, as the healing response is more active after treatment.
How long before the results are felt?
You may feel improvement in your condition (usually pain reduction) after the very first treatment. Sometimes you will not feel improvement for a number of treatments. This does not mean that nothing is hapenning. Eact treatment is cumulative and results are often felt after 3-4 sessions. www.klaserusa.com
K-Laser Super Pulse
Therapeutic dosage to deeper targets
Laser therapy is still a fairly unknown 21st century treatment modality that can have profound benefits for pain management and tissue healing. Dr. Phil Harrington was a high school physics teacher and was trained at Palmer College of Chiropractic as a chiropractic physician.
He ran a chiropractic office in a small town in Iowa for 10 years prior to becoming the first employee of K-Laser USA1 —a company that manufactures high-grade medical laser equipment.
There are a number of companies that manufacture lasers for tissue healing but K-Laser is currently the leading manufacturer of these types of lasers.